Jefferson Union High School District $58 Parcel Tax: Argument Against Measure Y

With this latest “temporary” parcel tax, the Jefferson Union High School District claims they need a tax increase because they are “devoted to providing quality public education…”.

The district failed to get voter approval in the last $85 parcel tax ballot measure, and now they want to try again for a more modest tax of $58 per year for 10 years for most homeowners.

Have they earned this tax increase that will cost you over $580 over the next 10 years (on top of the taxes you are already paying)?

Let’s look at the student performances in two key subjects:

  • 2016-17 students not meeting English literacy standards: 53.6%
  • 2016-17 students not meeting Math literacy standards: 63.7%

The District, which spends $11,269 per student, per year, rewarded parents and taxpayers by increasing the number of students who failed to meet English & Math standards!

Source: California Department of Education Data Partnership

Should you, the voters, reward the district for dropping scores in 2 key subjects?

If no, we encourage you to vote NO on Measure Y.

The School District is spending $11,269 per student per year (ADA) with a student/teacher ratio of 19.1 to 1.  That’s $215,237 per classroom per year.  Yet, they want more of your hard earned money to pad their salaries and fat pension plans.

The measure says that none of the funds will be used for administration.  But, funds generated separately from this parcel tax can be used for administration expenses without limits.  So, that is really just an empty promise.  Do not be fooled.

Tell the School Board to be fiscally responsible by voting NO on_Measure_Y.

If you reward failure, you will get more failure!

Just say NO to Measure Y.

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