Election - May 7, 2013

San Mateo County

Measure N:

Parcel tax of $700 per parcel in La Honda/Pescadero Unified School District

Summary of the ballot measure:  Shall the La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District continue a successful local parcel tax to improve access to technology in classrooms, provide enrichment opportunities for students, quality professional development for teachers, and increase student achievement in the amount of $100 per year per taxable parcel for seven years, with exemptions for contiguous parcels and parcels owned by persons 65 years and older, with funds staying in local schools and with independent community review of all expenditures?

SVTA recommends a NO vote against Measure N.

Here's why:

The proponents of Measure N think you don't pay enough in taxes. Despite these harsh economic times, they think they can squeeze even more money out of you. They think they can spend the money you earn better than you can. Is that true?

This past November, Proposition 30 was approved by the voters to "fund the schools." Proposition 30 taxes have just started being collected, yet school officials are already seeking more money from you. Shouldn't we see what funds are restored, before seeking additional funding from property owners?

In 2005, the district voters passed a "temporary" tax of $100 per parcel for 7 years. In 2005, proponents stated the reason for the 2005 tax was to: "improve student achievement and academic performance, to attract and retain highly qualified teachers, and to improve library services". So how well did they do with the money they took from us?

Education Data Partnership (www.Ed-Data.K12.ca.us) reports that: "this district has not met all requirements for 2012 Adequate Yearly Progress as determined by the California Department of Education."

They got our money in 2005 to "improve student achievement and academic performance" and they failed. But they imply this time it is going to be different. Do you believe that? The 2012 districtwide English/Language Arts proficiency is 44.4%. The 2012 districtwide Math proficiency is 54.8%. And the 2012 graduation rate is 72.7% - meaning 27.3% failed to graduate. Does that look like "improved student achievement and academic performance" to you?

Don't reward failure with additional financial bonuses. Let them show the improvements first. Then they can ask for more funds.

School children deserve better. And we should demand better by voting NO against Measure N.


You may read the Full Text, Arguments, Rebuttal Arguments, and Impartial Analysis of Measure N
at the web site of the County Elections Office, here.

Paid for by the Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association PAC.


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