Voter Guide

Nov. 8, 2022 General Election 

Santa Clara County

Our Candidate Endorsements

• U.S. Congress, District 18: Peter Hernandez

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• Alum Rock Union School District (San Jose) Trustee: Linda Chavez 

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• Santa Clara Supervisor (District 1): Johnny Khamis

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Our Ballot Measure Positions

We recommend a NO vote on the following measures:


Patterson Joint Unified School District: Measure E

School Bonds 55% Vote

To expand vocational career and technical education facilities; increase labs and training sites to prepare students for college and future jobs; and build new classrooms to relieve overcrowding; shall Patterson Joint Unified School District’s bond authorizing $74 million be approved with legal rates, projected levies below $57/ $100,000 of assessed valuation (generating $3.9 million/ year while bonds are outstanding), annual audits, independent oversight and all funds spent locally with no money taken by the State and spent elsewhere?  

Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District: Measure M

Parcel Tax 2/3 Vote

To provide Loma Prieta neighborhood elementary/middle school students with stable funding for current instruction in math, science, reading, technology, arts and other core curriculum; retain/recruit highly qualified teachers, and continue to support classroom technology needs, shall Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School District's measure be approved establishing an annual parcel tax of $348 for 8 years, raising approximately $640,000 a year, with senior exemptions, independent citizen oversight, no funds for administrator's salaries, all funds staying in our local schools?

NOTE: The Loma Prieta School Board forgot to submit a ballot argument in favor of Measure M for voters in Santa Clara County.  The only argument that will appear in the Voter's Handbook will be the SVTA's argument against.

East Side Union School District: Measure N

School Bonds 55% Vote

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall East Side Union High School District's measure to expand career/ technical education facilities, renovate science labs and upgrade technology at Andrew Hill, Calero, Evergreen Valley, Foothill, Independence, James Lick, Mt. Pleasant, Oak Grove, Piedmont Hills, Santa Teresa, Silver Creek, Verba Buena and W.C. Overfelt High Schools be adopted, authorizing $572 million in bonds with legal rates, projected levies below 3¢/$100 of assessed valuation ($35. 7 million/year through 2050), annual audits, independent oversight and no increase in tax rates?

Campbell Union High School District: Measure O

Parcel Tax 2/3 Vote

To continue funding academic/career-training programs in math, science, engineering, technology, arts and skilled trades that support college/career readiness; attract/retain qualified teachers/specialists; provide student mental health services and maintain manageable class sizes, shall the Campbell Union High School District measure renewing the expiring school parcel tax be adopted at the current rate of $85 per parcel (no increase), continuing $5,000,000 in annual school funding for 10 years, with senior exemptions and all money staying local?

Oak Grove School District: Measure P

School Bonds 55% Vote

To modernize classrooms, increase student access to technology, upgrade science labs, make school safety and security improvements at all sites, improve support facilities, and provide a local match for State grants, shall Oak Grove School District's measure to issue $236,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, raising on average $13 million annually, with levies projected at 3 cents/ $100 of assessed valuation, with citizen oversight, annual audits, no funds for administrator salaries, and all for local schools, be adopted?

Union School District: Measure R

School Bonds 55% Vote

To improve school health and safety systems; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, and electrical; remove asbestos/ lead pipes; and repair, acquire, construct classrooms, sites, science labs, facilities, equipment, and instructional technology that support student achievement in math, science, engineering, reading, arts and technology, shall Union School District's measure authorizing $128,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 2¢/ $100 assessed value ($7,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizen oversight and all money locally controlled?

Alum Rock Union School District: Measure S

School Bonds

55% Vote

To improve science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) classrooms; increase student access to computers and modern classroom technology; build below-market teacher/ staff rental housing; and improve student safety/ campus security; shall Alum Rock Union Elementary School District's measure authorizing $71.5 million of bonds be adopted (reauthorizing bonds previously approved in November 2012), with legal rates, projected levies less than 2¢/ $100 of assessed valuation (raising $4.4 million/ year while bonds are outstanding), annual audits and independent citizen oversight?

For recent press coverage with more reasons not to reward Alum Rock USD with more funding, check out this op-ed by Peter Hernandez, the candidate for U.S. Congress opposing Zoe Lofgren, "Shame on you, Alum Rock School District" (Townhall, Sept. 13, 2022). 

Campbell Union School District: Measure O

School Bonds
55% Vote

To repair and upgrade local elementary/ middle schools, including science, technology, math classrooms/ labs; instructional technology infrastructure; fixing leaky roofs, wiring, plumbing and fire/ security systems; improved accessibility for students with disabilities; shall Campbell Union Elementary School District authorize $96,000,000 in bonds, levying up to $30/ $100,000 assess d value (projecting no increase in current tax rates), generating $5 million annually through term of bonds, with citizen oversight, audits, no funds for administrators, all funds for local elementary/ middle schools?   



City of Santa Clara

Business License Update/Tax Equity Measure

Majority Vote

CITY OF SANTA CLARA BUSINESS LICENSE UPDATE/ TAX EQUITY MEASURE To protect Santa Clara's financial stability and maintain essential services such as 911 emergency/public safety/crime reduction services, safe/clean public areas, pothole repair, parks/libraries, shall an ordinance to increase Santa Clara's 1992 business license tax on businesses to $45 per employee and on landlords to $15 per rental unit, generating approximately $6,000,000 annually, until ended by voters, with independent financial audits, all funds staying local, be adopted?


Town of Los Gatos

Business License Taxes

Majority Vote

Shall the measure to fund critical Town needs such as public safety by amending business license taxes, unchanged since 1991 while inflation increased 117% to increase flat taxes by 30% adjusted annually for inflation, retailing gross receipts tax by 40%, and to add E-Commerce to the Manufacturing, Wholesaling, and Jobbing gross receipts tax schedule and increase that schedule by 120%, raising about $1,100,000 yearly for general fund purposes until ended by voters, be adopted?


City of Palo Alto

Local Business Tax

Majority Vote

Shall the measure to raise funds for public safety, affordable housing, rail crossing safety, homeless services, and general city services, by levying a tax on businesses in the City of Palo Alto at a monthly rate of 7.5 cents per square foot occupied by a business, up to $500,000 per business, with annual 2.5% adjustments for inflation and exemptions for grocery stores and businesses under 10,000 square feet, raising approximately $9.6 million annually for 35 years, be adopted?

San Mateo County

Our Ballot Measure Positions

We recommend a NO vote on the following measures:

Measure K - City of Belmont: Transient Occupancy Tax 

Measure M - Bayshore Elementary School District: Parcel Tax 

  NOTE: The school district failed to submit an argument in favor.

Measure O - City of Brisbane: Hotel Business License Tax 

Measure U - City of Brisbane: Sales Tax 

Measure T - South San Francisco Unified School District Bond 

Measure R - La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District Bond 

Measure S - Redwood City School District Bond <<< Palo Alto Daily Post agrees with SVTA!

Measure X - City of Burlingame: Business Licensing 

Measure L - City of East Palo Alto: Residential Rental Property Business Tax 

Measure Y - City of Pacifica: Transaction and Use (Sales) Tax 

Measure W - Sequoia Union High School District Bond <<< Palo Alto Daily Post agrees with SVTA!

Measure CC - City of San Mateo: Transfer Tax on Property Sales 

Measure DD - City of South San Francisco Commercial Property Tax

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