Election - June 3, 2014

Santa Clara County

Measure C:

Parcel tax of $85 per for Milpitas Unified School District:

Without increasing the current tax rate and to continue high quality education for local elementary, middle and high school students by maintaining strong academic programs in science, math, engineering, reading and writing, preparing students for college and 21st Century careers, and retaining highly qualified teachers, shall Milpitas Unified School District renew its expiring $84 education parcel tax for 8 years with citizen oversight, no funds for administrators' salaries, senior citizen exemptions and all funds staying in local schools?

SVTA recommends a NO vote against Measure C.

Here's why:

Proponents of this tax extension say you should support this to "maintain strong core academic programs in science, math, reading and writing".


Let's look at the STAR student test scores and see if they're delivering what they promise.

Subject 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11
English 67% 69% 66%
Math 64% 65% 64%
Science 72% 76% 72%
History 61% 59% 62%

Source: Education Data Partnership -- www.ed-data.k12.ca.us

The percentages above are for students "Scoring at Proficient or Advanced" in the subjects listed above.

If you scored 76% on a test, what grade would you expect to get? A "C" right?

Do you consider a "C" a "strong core academic" level?

And isn't below 70% a "D"?

They say "No funds can be used for administrators' salaries", but they can go to 325 "Classified Staff" to support for the 422 Teachers district-wide according to the latest figures available.

Are teachers under paid? No, the Districts' average teacher salary, not including generous benefits, is $74,685 versus the statewide average of $68,030. And the highest paid teachers make $91,854 versus the statewide average of $80,180.

Sure seems like above average pay for below average results!

Teach the Milpitas Unified School District board to be financially responsible: Vote NO on Measure C.



You may read the Full Text, Arguments, Rebuttal Arguments, and Impartial Analysis of Measure C
at the web site of the County Elections Office: here.

Paid for by the Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association PAC.


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