Do Economists Make Good Politicians? featuring Tom Means, SJSU Economics Professor & former Mayor of Mountain View

  • Thursday, February 21, 2013
  • 6:15 PM - 9:15 PM
  • Harry’s Hofbrau (back room), 390 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose, CA 95129


  • At-event registration (only for those who didn't pre-register)
  • Let us know you will be there.
    Free to members.
    $10.00 to non-members
    $15.00 to non-member couples
    Payment at the door.
  • Preregister: Nonmember couple
  • Single, nonmember preregistration

Registration is closed

February 21, 2013 at 6:15 P.M.: 

Do Economists Make Good Politicians? 


Do I Wish I Didn't Know, Now,
What I Didn't Know, Then?


Featuring TOM MEANS

SJSU Economics Professor &
former Mayor of Mountain View

Third Thursday Taxpayers Toolkit Meeting

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Tom Means is Director of the Council for Economic Education at San Jose State University.  A faculty member there since 1981, he teaches graduate seminars in microeconomics, econometrics, and managerial economics.  His research on the output of local government services has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and presented at numerous national conferences. 

Professor Means completed his Ph.D. in 1983 at U.C.L.A., where he studied Labor Economics, Public Finance, Econometrics and Business Forecasting.  As a research assistant, he worked on several state and national forecasting models.  He brings to his classroom a unique blend of theoretical and applied econometric and forecasting experience. 

 In 2008, Dr. Means served as Mayor of Mountain View, and he just completed his second (and last) city council term in December, 2012.  His current research focuses on land-use issues, such as inclusionary zoning (so-called affordable housing programs) and fiscal impact analysis.  

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Free for SVTA members 
$10 individual non-member
$15 non-member couple 

6:15 P.M.: No-host dinner & registration
7:00 P.M.: Meeting

All are welcome! We especially invite members of neighborhood associations and other community action organizations
to come and introduce themselves to our members. Just RSVP and if we can accommodate everyone,we'll plan to include you on the agenda!

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ABOUT SVTA’S THIRD THURSDAY TAXPAYER TOOLKIT MEETINGS:  SVTA is pleased to present keynote speakers in a forum for you, the taxpayer, to come together and share information on specific tax issues and concerns. We invite you to learn with us, as we strengthen ourselves with tools that we, as your taxpayer association, can use to fight for and protect your rights and interests as Silicon Valley taxpayers.

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